Happy Monday

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetI painted this little guy yesterday afternoon. There was a sun shower happening outside, both my boys were having a nap, and I wanted to use that sliver of time I had to myself to do something I enjoyed.

I’ve decided that even though I may have other things that need to be done. My soul really needs time to work with my hands to be energized. I’m the kind of person that needs to make a friendship bracelet, paint a picture, or write curvy letters. No computer. No phone. Just tactile things that make me happy.

I hope you had an equally lovely Father’s Day Sunday.

Here are some things you may enjoy from around the web: 

My favorite World Cup ad. 

Karen Carpenter’s beautiful voice.

My cousin-in-law is climbing Kilimanjaro to help fund a cure for cancer.

Bringing home a baby soon? Read these great tips. 

Trying to make everyone fit in an IG square? Here are crop guidelines:

iPhone photos for the win. 



  1. Patricia Pearl (@patreeengperlas) says

    hello! i’ve recently discovered your blog and it’s sooooo amazing! may i ask if you happen to be related with camie juan? also, do you still know a few visayan words? more power to your life and your blog! xx

    • Hi Patricia,

      Thank you for your kind words. No relation to Camie Juan, but I’m big fans of she and her sister’s images. 🙂

